Sunday, March 2, 2008

Two down, nine more to go.

My attempt to take a picture of a two-page spread from Priest with my Mac laptop embedded camera, which currently is the only functioning camera I have.

The benefit to Ashley being distracted by Prohibition-era bootleggers, fox-demons, and sword-swinging, shirt-ripping Mediols is not only that we've gotten a whole set of stories about different versions of the stroppy Swede and his Italians, but that I've been given a chance to attempt to catch up with the printing and binding of Book of the Green Field. So today, while keeping half an eye on the Juventus-Fiorentina and Napoli-Inter games (oh Inter, why), I managed to print and fold Tale of the Priest and Tale of the Smith. Of course, Smith still needs all its illumination done, but I am definitely farther along the road to completion, or at least to catching up to where Ashley is with the writing.

Also dropped by Dawn Treader Books, Ann Arbor's best used book store, and picked up two new (for me) books on medieval history: The Making of the Middle Ages by R. W. Southern, and The Evolution of the Medieval World by David Nicholas. I'm sure neither of them contain anything that is not already ably explained in Cantor's Civilization of the Middle Ages, but more books never hurt anyone. (Well, except when I try to get renter's insurance, that is.)

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