Monday, March 3, 2008

It's my birthday today

and, as usual, I would have forgotten this had my mother not reminded me on the phone yesterday. I'm pretty sure I haven't bothered to tell anyone around here, so that will at least spare me the awkward pause when I don't know how to reply to "Happy Birthday!". I'm 24, which feels a lot less weird than turning 23 did, although I look askance at the fact that this means in one year I will be 25. Sometimes I think possibly I should set about getting a life before this happens, but whenever I contemplate going about actually doing this, I end up falling asleep. Which is much more enjoyable than getting a life, frankly.

What is the most frightening is realizing that the "age at which I should be planning on having children" has shrunk from ten years to "five to seven". How did that happen? *crawls under desk and whimpers*

Today is Monday, unfortunately, which means my birthday will be spent going to my lab meeting, my TA meeting, and my genetics seminar, and then frantically trying to get all the lab work I need to get done today done in the evening, because I've spent all day in meetings. I hate Mondays. *sigh*

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